Monday, July 16, 2012

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 90th Edition

AUTHOR  David R. Lide

DATE    2009 Pdf

PAGES   2804



Mirroring the growth and direction of science for nearly a century, the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, now in its 90th edition, adds several new tables that will be among the most accessed in the world. These include Structure and Functions of Common Drugs, Solubility Parameters of Polymers, Major World Earthquakes, and Equilibrium Constants of Selected Enzyme Reactions. It adds major updates to several more, including Threshold Limits for Airborne Contaminants, Mass Spectral Peaks of Common Organic Solvents, and Properties of the Solar System. It also adds a table of the Handbook’s greatest fans: Nobel Laureates in Chemistry and Physics.

Oxford Dictionary of Chemistry

AUTHOR   John Daintith

DATE  2008

PAGES  608



Product Description: Fully revised and updated, the Sixth Edition of this popular dictionary is the ideal reference resource for students of chemistry, either in high school or in college. The new edition features more than 4,300 entries, including hundreds of new terms. The Dictionary covers all aspects of chemistry--from physical chemistry to biochemistry--including topics such as metallurgy, materials science, forensic science, and geology. There are also biographical entries on key figures in the field. The book has single or double-page feature articles on important topics such as polymers and crystal defects, and chronologies that chart the main discoveries in such fields as atomic theory, biochemistry, explosives, and plastics. The new edition also features web links accessed via a companion website, featuring additional information that is regularly updated to ensure that it stays fresh. The volume concludes with nine appendices, including the periodic table, SI units, the chemical elements, Nobel prizewinners, and useful websites.

Chemistry, Eight edition

Kenneth W. Whitten

DATE  2006

PAGES  1168



The Eighth Edition of CHEMISTRY incorporates a strong molecular reasoning focus, amplified problem-solving exercises, and innovative technological resources. This kind of reasoning helps students think at the molecular level and make connections between molecular structure and macroscopic properties. Molecular reasoning and visualization are emphasized via Molecular-Reasoning icons, chapter objectives, end-of-chapter problems, and new artwork, and are integrated into the accompanying technology

Advanced Organic Chemistry: Structure and Mechanisms (Part A) (Advanced Organic Chemistry / Part A: Structure and Mechanisms

Advanced Organic Chemistry: Structure and Mechanisms (Part A) (Advanced Organic Chemistry / Part A: Structure and Mechanisms

AUTHOR        Francis A. Carey

DATE  2004




Since its original appearance in 1977, Advanced Organic Chemistry has found wide use as a text providing broad coverage of the structure, reactivity and synthesis of organic compounds. The Fourth Edition provides updated material but continues the essential elements of the previous edition. The material in Part A is organized on the basis of fundamental structural topics such as structure, stereochemistry, conformation and aromaticity and basic mechanistic types, including nucleophilic substitution, addition reactions, carbonyl chemistry, aromatic substitution and free radical reactions.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Bioactive Materials in Medicine: Design and applications (Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials)

X Zhao, J.M Courtney and H Qian

DATE     2011

PAGES     288

ISBN  1845696247

Biogenic Amines: Pharmacological, Neurochemical and Molecular Aspects in the CNS (Pharmacology - Research, Safety Testing and Regulation)

Tahira Farooqui, Akhlaq A. Farooqui

DATE    2010

PAGES   415

ISBN  160876625x

Central Nervous System Tissue Engineering: Current Considerations and Strategies (Synthesis Lectures on Tissue Engineering #8)

Ashley E. Wilkinson

DATE    2011


ISBN 1608457869

Development Of The Visual System (Developmental Neuroscience)

Development Of The Visual System (Developmental Neuroscience

Anthony T. Campagnoni

DATE  2005
ISBN  3805578717

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